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Turnkey Broadcasting Solutions

SI-Media S.r.l

Company Overview

SI Media is a private company founded in 1978 as a software house for Television management systems. SI Media is one of the leading providers with decades of experience in the development and deployment of Traffic, Playout Automation, Media Asset Management and NewsRoom solutions for TV Broadcasters.SI Media can provide end-to-end solutions from ingest to delivery of all media content. The software applications are modular, open to customizations and integrations with 3rd party software, devices and hardware (storage, digital\tape libraries, character generators, teleprompters, a\v routers, master controls). Applications are available on WINDOWS, web and mobile with SI Media APPs

Adobe Integrations Overview

From SI Media MAM client users can select a project and open it directly in Adobe Premiere Pro, where SI Media MAM features (search, preview, metadata), are available as well

Key Differentiators

Customizable, scalable , hardware independent

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