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Dixon Sports Computing

Company Overview

Dixon Sports Computing has been producing innovative, cost effective, custom video workflow solutions for over 25 years.

Content is king but access is the golden goose. Dixon helps our customers access their content as quickly and easily as possible; getting the content where it is needed in the right format.

Our industry leading metadata workflow products, customer specific loggers, production editor and asset management interfaces are optimized to provide access. Our range of software applications are web-based, enhancing their productivity potential and allowing for off-site access.

Adobe Integrations Overview

Dixon’s Adobe integration gives instant access to any logged media. Use our sophisticated but easy to use tools to find the media and push it to an Adobe Premiere Pro CC bin. Multiple angels of events, multiple segments of a show all easily managed with the Dixon search and other tools. Also included is edit tracking, project approval and even Premiere Marker reading.

Key Differentiators

Dixon’s Metadata Workflow engine is tailored to fit each customer’s workflow. Customer specific loggers and searches. Ease of use, intelligence about content is built into the software. Dixon improves every workflow, by eliminating clerical work, editors keep editing.

Adobe Products we support:

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